A New Beginning...


Yesterday I had the good fortune to celebrate Summer Solstice in a magical setting with some wonderful people. There was the experience of a sound bath, some soulful food and a fire ceremony. Right now, it is exactly what I needed. And I guess it’s exactly that turnaround point, the turning of the seasons, the turning point of days getting ever so slightly shorter again that’s brought me right here. Today. At my very own turning point…

It’s been a very, very long time since I’ve last written a blog post…

For a long time, I didn’t know what to write about and after two-odd years of not writing a single post, I decided last month to shut down my blog account (Mademoiselle Poirot) which was costing me a not unsubstantial sum of money for no good reason whatsoever - I was paying without writing or posting a single word. I had kinda stopped sharing things after our house renovations (more or less) completed and couldn’t find the right thread to pick it all up again. My focus has shifted, my work has changed, my outlook on my own creativity has been challenged and right now my entire life is going up in flames. Maybe I’ll share more of the latter one day when I’m feeling less vulnerable…

Right now, I’m looking to make a new start with this blog. For a start, I’ve finally managed to integrate it on this website, rather than a separate one. It all now looks blindingly obvious because I suddenly figured it all out today, but for a long, long, looooong time I simply couldn’t figure out how to make it work. The next change is that it will be more focused on photography and photography stories, less on writing. I know my posts have always been photo-heavy, but I had also always more or less restricted myself to subject like food and interiors and avoided doing a post when I felt I had nothing to say. The emphasis from now will be on photography. And if I don’t have much to say, then you’ll get the photos without many words. I hope you’ll like them anyway.

So I guess this is it for my first post in a few years. I hope my photographer’s take on blogging will be of interest to you and you’ll enjoy the images. I don’t quite know yet where it’ll all take me, but I won’t get all restrictive again on content and I hope things will just flow.

Until next time,

Possibly not the best start for a blog involving a lot of photography, but all images in this post have been taken with my iPhone, so the quality is just a bit dodgy for my liking. However, this post is mainly about the overall sentiment of the summer solstice, and new beginnings.